If you'd like to sign up for one of these ministry teams, click here to find out more.

  • House church development ministry

    rick terrell

    The HCD ministry helps cultivate the spirituality of house church shepherds and supports them administratively, helps communicate with house church members, and helps every house church member practice serving and loving their neighbors who do not know the Lord.

  • Worship Ministry

    jonathan fong

    The worship ministry team supports and organizes worship, plans and executes revivals, retreats and seminars and creates a culture to help members practice living lifestyles of worship.

  • Facilities ministry

    Aaron hines

    The facilities ministry team seeks to develop and release teams to steward and manage our church's facility and our equipment, to communicate with contracted companies, etc.

  • Education development ministry

    Michelle lim

    The ED miinistry team works with our children's and youth ministries to help raise our children in Christ, grounded in God's Word, to help them apply God's truth to everyday life. The team seeks to bring opportunities for teachers and parents to develop their gifts in nurturing our children.

  • Church Development and Fellowship Ministry

    Joyce pomi kwak

    The CDF ministry team seeks concrete methods to help people connect with the church and tangibly experience the love of Christ, from their first visit until they are connected to the church. They seek to serve newcomers and new believers to help them grow spiritually.

  • Pastoral Support Ministry

    Eugene kwak

    The PSM supports our pastors by learning, researching, developing and implementing the appropriate support systems, so that members can be mobilized for ministry to relieve burdens on pastoral staff.  

  • missions ministry

    chris lee

    This ministry seeks to create an all-hands-on-deck mentality to missions, moving missions from a ministry to a mindset. This team plans short- and long-term mission strategies, such as visiting house church missionaries. It also helps each house church member better communicate with missionaries through mail or email.