
We are glad you came by!

Harvest is an inter-generational, Gospel-centered church built on house churches.

Our house churches gather together every Sunday for inter-generational worship with our youth.  Sunday Worship Services start at 8.30am and at 10.30am in the Harvest Building.

We're located at 16796 E. Davenport Road in Winter Garden, Florida.

Meeting times

Sunday Worship (Alpha Service) - 8.30 am

Sunday Worship (Omega Service)  - 10.30 am

Sunday Worship Live-Stream (Omega Service) - 10.30 am

Adult House Churches - throughout the week. Click here.

Sunday Children's Worship - 10.30 am

Sunday Bible Studies (for Adults and Youth) - 12.30 pm

Wednesday Night Prayer Meeting - 7pm

Wednesday AWANA Kids Program - 7pm

Youth Ministry Saturday Night Fellowship - 5pm

Korean-Speaking Sunday Worship (Vision Church) - 8.30 am & 10.30 am


We're so glad you found us and we'd love for you to become a part of what God is doing in and through our church community. You may be wondering, “Where do I start? How should I get plugged in? What am I supposed to do?”   Here are some suggestions:

1. Let us know who you are. 

Please let us know that you'd like to be added to our email list. Drop us an email. Next time you are with us on a Sunday, introduce yourself to a greeter or pastor and fill out an Information Card or fill out our newcomers form online. This will help us to connect and communicate with you.

2. Participate in our 3-week Meet Harvest Class.

These 3-week classes are for those who 'd like to learn more about Harvest. You'll hear about our past, present and future as our teachers show you the DNA of our church. Please talk to Pastor DL or email him to register for one of the Harvest 101 Seminars. 

3. Come to a Newcomer Welcoming Meal.

Twice a year, we host a meet and greet time over a meal with some of our church folks, pastors and others who are new to Harvest. It gives you an opportunity to share your story and to see a glimpse of who Harvest is and what we hope to accomplish. On top of that, you get to eat some delicious, free food!

4. Visit a house church.

These are the foundations of our ministry. They meet every week at homes throughout the area. They exist to provide an environment for sharing lives to support and spur one another towards growth in Christ.

5. Meet with a pastor or leader.

They would love to meet with you and share a meal or coffee. Feel free to email any of them or give them a call.


Where should I park?

Either parking lot is fine as our building is in the center of our campus.  You'll see Harvest signs outside of the building to lead you.

Where is the worship service held?

We worship at the Gymnasium, located beside the education and in front of the main building.

What should I wear when I come to worship?

Some of our folks have grown up in traditions where they wear their "Sunday best" to church. Others are used to church traditions that invite them to feel comfortable and free as they worship. At Harvest, you'll see some people in ties and dresses, while others will come in jeans. We encourage you to come as you are. 

Can I bring my kids? 

Absolutely! We have a nursery program for toddlers and Children's Ministry worship service for pre-K through 5th-graders in our Education Building.  Currently, children's ministry is offered during our 10.30 (Omega) Worship Service only. When you arrive, please ask an usher to direct you to the children's programs.

What should I expect when I come? 

You can expect a welcome that will make you feel like family. You will then be invited into our time of meeting with God. Musically, we mix contemporary praise songs with hymns set to modern music. Our band is made up of guitarists, drums, bass and electric guitars. That will be followed by a testimony of how God is at work in one of our members' lives, along with a clear message from the Bible that is relevant to both Christians and non-Christians. The "good news", or the essence of Christianity, will be presented in every teaching. The songs and message seek to engage heart, mind and soul to help you to connect with God in a personal and practical way. We usually have testimonies from members of our congregation as a way of testifying to who God is as part of our worship services as well. 

Do I need to give money?

If it’s your first time, we welcome you as our guest and invite you to just come to experience and enjoy. If you decide to come back and/or call Harvest your church home, we believe that giving financially is a way to show your commitment to Christ and his church. We know that church may be foreign to you, so we will do our best to help you feel at home at Harvest.

contact us

Harvest - Korean Presbyterian Church of Orlando

16796 E. Davenport Road Winter Garden FL 34787

Phone: 407.654.3908

Fax: 407.641.9132

Questions? Email: harvest.hello@gmail.com