UPDATED 12/16/24

-Welcome to Harvest. Harvest is an inter-generational church made up of house churches. Visit harvestchurchorlando.org and sign up for a house church or talk to a greeter to be placed on our e-mail list.

-333 Prayer. New prayer requests for the second semester can be turned in at the welcome table.

-Thank you Pastor Ben. We thank God for today’s guest speaker, Pastor Ben Markham. Thank you for joining us and preaching God's word to us.

-Advent Morning Prayer. AMP begins at 6am on Saturdays from now until Christmas.

-Staff News.. Pray for P.DL as he preaches at Christ Central Southern California today. He and Elyse will return tomorrow evening. 

-Harvest 301. Our newest class on the new life that Jesus offers to us will be starting in January and is open to all members who have completed Harvest 201. Class will meet for 13 weeks. Signups are now open.

-Pray for the Logans. Keep praying for the Logans, who remain in Colorado indefinitely. Gabrielle, the daughter of Andrew and CIndy, was born prematurely. Pray for her artery to close and for continued growth.

-Christmas Sunday. Next Sunday we will celebrate Christmas with baptisms during our Omega worship service. 

-Christmas Sunday Special Service. There is a celebration service with presentations on Sunday, Dec. 22 after Omega Service in the Vision Sanctuary.

-Pre-Marital and Parenting Classes. Pray for the seven couples taking premarital class and the seven people taking parenting class. Pray for P.DL, Mrs. Jeannie and others who will be leading the classes. 

-Becoming a Child of God. Our Gospel presentation class will meet on January 5 at 12.45pm in our conference room. 

Youth Ministry News

-SNF: Praise and Prayer. This week at SNF, come and seek God’s face through worship. For more info, talk to DC. Next weekend is Family Night and SNF will not meet.

-Youth Retreat. Our retreat will be held from January 2-4. Prayer meetings will take place from December 16-20 at 7pm on Zoom.