UPDATED 08/24/24

-333 Prayer. New prayer requests for the second semester can be turned in at the welcome table.
-Becoming a Child of God. Our Gospel presentation class meets today after Omega Service. BCG takes place the first Sunday of each month in the conference room.

-Harvest 101. Signups for our Meet Harvest class will begin on September 1.

-Harvest 201. The first class will be on August 25. The remaining eleven classes will meet on Tuesday nights.

-Premarital Class. The eight-week class will begin on September 1.

-Baptism and Confirmation. Sign ups are now open for infants, teens, and adults.

-AWANA. Our Wednesday night children's program resumes again on September 4.

-Staff News. PDL will be going to Korea in September for the Lausanne Congress on World Evangelization and the Korean American Leadership Consultation. DC and Haesu will both be starting new semesters of seminary.

Youth Ministry News

-SNF: Family Group Night. This upcoming Saturday, our youth ministry will announce their family group's for the upcoming year.

-Sunday School. Classes are back in session. Talk to DC if you have any questions.