UPDATED 07/13/24

-333 Prayer. New forms can be picked up and turned in at the welcome table. New prayer requests for the second semester can be turned in at the welcome table.
-Staff News. P.DL and DC will be serving this week at New Gen. PDL will be on study leave from July 22-August 4. SOLA’s book, “A Letter to the Asian American Church” is now on Amazon. Our intern Haesu is traveling in July.

-New Gen Conference. Talk to Michelle Lim if you can provide rides for the conference from Wednesday to Saturday. Pray for P.DL as he preaches each night, Daniel Chang, Alex Pak and Tim Kim as they lead workshops, and Jane Chang and others as they lead praise. Talk to Mrs. Jeannie for info.

-Shepherds. Seven shepherds and PDL are attending a conference in Houston from August 8-10. Talk to RIck Terrell if you are interested. 
-Harvest 201. Signups for our 12-week class are now open.
-Becoming a Child of God. Our Gospel presentation class meets the first Sunday of each month in the conference room. 

Youth Ministry News

-SNF: Message Night. This Saturday is Message Night. Come hungry and ready. Talk to DC for more info.

-Sunday School. Classes are on break until August. Talk to DC if you are interested in teaching this school year.