UPDATED 2/17/25
-Welcome to Harvest. Harvest is an inter-generational church made up of house churches. Visit harvestchurchorlando.org and sign up for a house church or talk to a greeter to be placed on our e-mail list.
-333 Prayer. Prayer requests for 2025 can be turned in at the welcome table. Let’s pray for our urgent prayer requests while also praying for those who don’t know the Lord yet.
-Daniel Fast. If you have yet to receive our devotionals, join our group, or you need instructions on the Fast, talk to Elder Eugene. The fast ends March 2 and involves fasting media, social media, and certain foods.
-Harvest 301. Pray for P.DL and the 25 students taking the New Life class on Tuesday nights.
-Easter Baptism/Confirmation. Sign up if you’d like to be baptized or confirmed on Resurrection Sunday.
-Officer Process. Please pray for this process as we are forming our nominating committee. The committee will be announced next week. Shepherds will meet on March 1 at church.
-Staff News. Daniel Chang returns today from the house church seminar for pastors in Houston. He will speak next Sunday as PDL will be preaching at Open Door PC’s Young Adult Retreat (Feb. 21-23) .P.DL is part of a book-writing project on the Asian-American Family.
-Outreach and Missions. Applications are available for a local spring break outreach (March 16-20 for those 14 years and older) and summer missions to Ecuador (August 3-8 for rising high school juniors and older).
-Pray for the Logans. Continue to pray for Gabrielle Logan, the daughter of Andrew and CIndy, who remains in the NICU in Colorado Springs. Pray for her lungs and her eyes to grow healthy.
-Becoming a Child of God. Our Gospel presentation class will take place the first Sunday of each month in our conference room.
Youth Ministry News
-SNF: Bonfire Night. This weekend is Bonfire Night at the Lim Farm. Talk to DC for more information.
-Upcoming SNF Meetings. We will have a message night on March 1, followed by a Harvest-Wide Praise and Prayer Night.